This week it is Cainan's turn. He is spending the next 4 days at Davos, Switzerland. They went to the same ski camp last year. Davos is in eastern Switzerland, so it is a bit of a train ride to get there. But he doesn't mind. He is with his friends, and not having to attend regular classes, so what could be better?
This is only Cainan's second time skiing. It is a bit embarrassing, really, that we never became a skiing family. Mat and I skiied growing up, but then we moved to the southern parts of the United States and were away from it for over 8 years. We lived most recently, though, in Massachusetts, 5 minutes from a ski resort, and never picked it back up. Our kids weren't really interested, and we didn't push it.
Now, however, it is part of their school cirriculum. And they have enjoyed going to these camps. I don't think if they will pick up skiing otherwise, but at least they get to go a little.
After dropping him off at the train station, I met my friend Marta for a museum visit. We have museum passes that allow us to visit over 300 museums throughout Switzerland, France and Germany, so we need to get crackin'.
Today we took in the Fuseli exhibit at a museum here in Basel. Fuseli is a Swiss artist who lived in the 1700s and was fascinated by ancient mythology, theater, and books. His favorite writers were Shakespeare and John Milton. The collection we saw today favored Greek mythology, Shakespeare and Milton. It was....interesting. Very dark.
After our musem visit we had lunch and coffee at Pane con Carne and enjoyed a walk in some warm January sun along the Rhine. We were missing our 3rd partner in crime, Tiffany, today.
This is Thetis asks Hephaestus to Provide Achilles with Armour
Romeo and Juliet
Lady MacBeth
This isn't Fuseli, but Marta and I really liked this. It is a tapestry with all the countries flags
My buddy Andy Warhol in their permanent exhibit
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