We have moved Arlington to college. I cannot believe I am writing those words. Our eldest daughter has graduated from high school a year early with 16 college credits in her back pocket and is now settled into the University of Massachusetts. Mat is still in San Francisco with his new job, so my parents graciously came to help us move her into college.
What is it like to move a kid to college during a pandemic? Interesting. Frustrating. Her school has decided that only 1000 students will be on campus -anyone who had an in person class. Arlington only had one - her farm class- so off to college she went. She is in a 3 bedroom suite with just she and her roomate. They have a livingroom and a full bathroom just for the two of them. It is pretty nice for a freshmen. Going to be hard to go back to a regular dorm room once the pandemic passes, that is for sure.
I wasn't sure how this was going to go. Arlington is only 17. She is a year younger than many of the other freshmen. But I think she is ready. She was so excited to start her pre-vet classes. I am happy that she is only 1 1/2 hours away in case we need to grab her quickly or want to go and visit (in non-pandemic times).
My dad and I were the ones to move her in. Arlington had to have a Covid test before she could go to the dorms (and will be tested twice a week this whole semester). Only two people could help the student move in. We were masked the whole time. But it went smoothly. We got her all squared away and everything unpacked before we had to leave.
I think she is going to love it. Even in this weird time with so little people on campus, and very few dining halls open (or buildings in general), it is a start of a new chapter for her. Maybe this slower start is just what she needs to get her feet wet before the 21,000 other UMass students return.
My parents bought Arlington her computer for college
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