Sunday, May 23, 2021

Remodeling Week 8

 This week was pretty quiet unti Thursday.  I have to say - it was kind of nice to have a small break from the noise and dust for a week.  Arlington came home from college on the 15th so it gave us a chance to get her settles and used to all the changes before they came back.

This week was all about plaster.  The plaster folks were here on Thursday and Friday and got 3/4 of the work done.  They will be back Monday to finish.  Looking like a house once again.  The plaster has a neat feel to it - it is glass smooth. I didn't expect that.  We are hoping that we get a chance to do some painting before they put the floors down, but that is yet to be seen.  We will see how long it takes for the plaster to dry.

I also started painting the upstairs hallway and staircase.  We decided to do an accent wall on the stairs of a deeper shade since it is such a big wall.  We picked a blue/gray color called Little Falls by Benjamin Moore.  On the other walls I put a lighter blue gray (but really it is more blue) called Silver Mist by Benjamin Moore.  

The two paints side by side

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