Sunday, April 14, 2019

Edinburgh, Scotland Day 2

Second day in Edinburgh, and we had another great day. We started the day with something for the girls - a Cat Cafe (Maison de Moggy). They loved it and Cainan even had a good time. We also visited Greyfriar's Kirk and Cemetery. It is said that JK Rowling got the names McGonagall and Riddle from this cemetery (she wrote several books in the cafe near this church). We then visited the Surgeon's Museum which was a quirky, fun way for the kids to explore one of the largest preserved anatomy collections. We walked to see a few spots where Avenger's Infinity War was filmed, and then had dinner at a fun restaurant.

The girls loved Maison de Moggy.  You have to make a reservation ahead of time (they only let a few people in at once), and they offer coffee, tea and cake while you spend your hour with the adorable cats.
 The kid's hot chocolate had a paw on it

 There were huge cemetery markers in the Greyfriar's Kirk cemetery.
 McGonagall! She named the charcater after this man who was a poet
 Thomas Riddell's grave site. We laughed because there were 3 Harry Potter tours walking around the cemetery when we arrived. So they helped us find the grave site.

 Edinburgh Castle from the Cemetery
 Greyfriar's Kirk
 This is the gravesite of Greyfriar's Bobby - a dog that followed his master to be buried here in the 1800s and then stayed by the gravesite until he died. People leave sticks by the stone.
 Entrance gates to Grayfriar's Kirk

 Greyfriar's Bobby has his own statue
 This restaurant used to be called something else, and it was owned by JK Rowling's brother in law. She spent time writing the Harry Potter books here.

 We couldn't take pictures inside this museum, but if you are in the area, I recommend checking this museum out. It is low cost and just filled with anatomy collections from a particular Scottish surgeon. It is a massive collection.

 Avenger's Infinity War filming spot.
 Avenger's film spot. Avenger's Infinity war. Scene with Scarlet Witch and Vision in their battle scene.

 Finley and Cainan re-enacting a scene from the Avenger's Infinity War on a filming spot. 

 This is where Scarlet Witch pulls Vision after he is stabbed in Avengers Infinity War. (Cainan and Mat were seriously nerding out today)
 Mat and I re-enacting Scartlet Witch and Vision in front of the Kabob restaurant they walked by in Avengers Infinity War.  Here it is actually called Katie's Cupcakes. Sidebar: we were all pretty excited about Katie's Cupcakes. UNTIL - we got there and found out that Katie's Cupcakes is a flower shop. #ripoff
 Laughing about our scene AND that I am not getting a cupcake.
 This is where Vision got stabbed in Infinity War. We need to work on Cainan's acting skills
 Edinburgh Train station
 This is the spot where Captain America shows up in Avenger's Infinity War to save Scarlet Witch and Vision. This is the main train station in Edinburgh.
 We aren't done with nerd post yet! This is the Hotel where JK Rowling shut herself into while she wrote the last chapter of the 7th book. In her room was a bust of Hermes, and when she finished she signed the bust "J.K. Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (552) on 11th Jan 2007"

 Where we had dinner. So - we didn't have candy for dinner. It was a neat little restaurant, but a lot of the sauces are sweetened. And they had milkshakes.

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