This afternoon I went to the Jean Tinguley museum because it is close to our apartment. 3 museums in 2 weeks is a record for me. This one looked unique, and it did not disappoint. I enjoyed look at all the art for about an hour in a half before picking up Finley today. With the Museum pass, I love that I can come and go easily, so I can do the museums in short burst.
This piece was really neat. It was made all out of Race car parts. And there was a button to press and it would move
This piece of art you could actually walk through and on. And again - it did move
The guest artist display in the Tinguley was of Wim Devoye, and in one room they had displayed his childhood art. I told my daughter Finley (who loves to draw) that if she ever has an art display someday, we would bring her childhood art ti display.
Wim Delvoye carved this huge truck tire. It was amazing
This evening Mat and I took a long walk - longer than normal - with Scooby to explore a new area. I am honestly not sure where we ended up, but it was cool. We saw a great church, a nice square/plaza with restaurants and shops, and even got some reasonably priced Gelato. We were gone for almost 2 hours tonight walking and exploring. It was a lot of fun.
This looks like a church, but it was marked as a museum
Another fountain!
A few extra pictures from today - enjoy!
I was early picking Finley up from school today, so I took a picture of the side of her school. Such a lovely place. You can't see it in the picture, but the classrooms have chandeliers for their light fixtures.
Finley joined the cooking club at school. This is the garden the teacher uses for the class
Scooby sunning himself on our balcony
Not a hard German word, but a funny one. This was over the hair ties and brushes in the store
Public Toilet - in case you couldn't tell
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